Tuesday, 06 July 2021
NFT digadang menjadi alternatif bagi para musisi untuk memperoleh keuntungan maksimal dari karya-karya musik mereka. Terlebih di masa serba digital, kebutuhan akan proteksi terhadap karya-karya seni digital menjadi semakin krusial. Blockchain, melalui NFT, diharapkan dapat menjadi jawabannya.
How can one make best use of the merits of algorithmic trading and how should one limit its risks? A balanced approach will requires an industry-wide understanding of the issues faced by market players and policy makers, and a judicious use of regulations and compliance by the exchange and its regulator.
Friday, 02 July 2021
Sama halnya dengan komoditas lain, air pun dapat diperdagangkan di bursa dalam bentuk kontrak berjangka selama memiliki ukuran standar tertentu. Pada dasarnya, benda atau materi yang terstandardisasi dapat diperdagangkan melalui bursa.
Crypto currencies are a new form of digital asset, developed to meet the needs of trade and finance in today’s internet-supported global economy.
Wednesday, 30 June 2021
One of the main value propositions of futures markets is that you can trade with leverage. You can get exposure to the change in value of USD 10,000 worth of a commodity or a currency by investing just USD 200 or so of capital (this is called the “margin”).
Not everyone can be a successful commodity futures trader – or investor, or speculator, whatever you call it. But no one can be a successful commodity futures gambler. A lucky gambler, perhaps, but if you play the futures market like you would play the casino, the odds are against you.
Monday, 28 June 2021
Setiap pertengahan tahun, umat Muslim di seluruh dunia akan merayakan momen penting yaitu bulan suci Ramadan. Lebih dari 25% populasi Muslim dunia berada di Asia Tenggara dan Indonesia merupakan negara dengan populasi Muslim terbesar dengan kontribusi mencapai 12.7% dari total populasi Muslim dunia.
Seiring dengan demam aset kripto seperti Bitcoin dan Ethereum, bank-bank sentral dunia juga turut mempercepat rilisnya mata uang digital dari bank sentral (Central Bank Digital Currency/CBDC).
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