World gold prices are denominated or valued in USD, so gold transactions that occur in an international context are carried out in USD. With this high usage, coupled with the demand for gold from countries outside the United States, the value of the USD will be quite crucial in influencing the price of gold.
Digital gold allows investors to buy their gold online and does not depend on direct physical transactions, making it easier, safer and more practical. Physical gold, which is represented by digital gold, is stored in a vault that is insured by the seller on behalf of the customer. This is what helps investors overcome problems in conventional gold transactions.
Friday, 22 April 2022
At the beginning of 2022, the movement of the global economy is still overshadowed by the COVID-19 virus. Although the effect has subsided for the Delta variant, the Omicron variant which was only detected in November 2021 poses a new threat to various sectors, including commodities.
Friday, 22 April 2022
Gold has been known for a long time, both as jewelry and as an investment asset and a hedge against economic and political conditions. The use of gold as jewelry among the public has increased the popularity of gold, outperforming other metals such as silver and platinum.
USDSGD Transaction Opportunity, Will it Be as Big as the “Port”? Singapore is well known by the global community as a hub that connects one country to another. The liaison role has become one of the major sources of state income for Singapore to be able to develop its economy to date.
Talking about the price of USD/CNY will be quite interesting because it contains two currencies originating from two major countries, namely the United States and China. Talking about the condition of the two countries could be a reference regarding the condition of the USD/CNY price.
Carbon News & Insights
Tuesday, 11 January 2022
Cross Border Adjustment Mechanism merupakan aturan yang dibuat Uni Eropa untuk mengantisipasi kebocoran emisi karbon seperti ini. Secara umum, peraturan tersebut mengatur agar perusahaan Uni Eropa membeli sertifikat penurunan emisi karbon melalui pasar karbon saat mengimpor produk dari luar wilayah Uni Eropa. Jumlah sertifikat yang dibeli diperhitungkan berdasarkan perhitungan biaya terkait emisi karbon yang harus dikeluarkan dalam proses produksi barang tersebut bilamana dibuat dalam wilayah Uni Eropa.
Tuesday, 11 January 2022
Apa itu emas digital? Sebenarnya judul di atas kurang lengkap, seharusnya membeli emas fisik melalui platform digital. Dengan digitalisasi perdagangan, saat ini semakin marak berkembangnya aplikasi-aplikasi yang memfasilitasi perdagangan suatu aset tertentu. Kalau setelah kita melakukan pembelian, aset yang dibeli langsung dikirim, maka itu tidak menjadi masalah selama aset yang dikirim sesuai dengan deskripsi aset yang ditawarkan melalui platform tersebut. Namun kalau asetnya tidak langsung dikirim, maka senantiasa ada pertanyaan mengenai keberadaan aktual atas aset tersebut. Pelanggan sudah bayar, tapi asetnya masih di “titipkan” pada penjual. Aman kah? Apalagi mengingat aset yang diperdagangkan adalah emas. Banyak pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang senantiasa muncul.
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