Carbon News & Insights
Monday, 08 August 2022
Pertanian menghasilkan emisi karbon? Itu adalah pertanyaan yang sering kami jumpai ketika masyarakat awam pertama kali berhadapan dengan informasi ini. Karena persepsi yang umumnya dipahami adalah bahwa tanaman akan menyerap karbon dioksida. Memang benar, tanaman menyerap karbon dioksida pada siang hari dan melepaskan oksigen. Sebaliknya, dalam proses respirasi tumbuhan di malam hari, tumbuhan pada umumnya akan melepaskan karbon dioksida. Namun itu adalah proses yang sudah diperhitungkan oleh para ahli dalam perhitungan upaya pengurangan emisi karbon. Bagaimanapun, manfaat hutan dalam mengurangi gas rumah kaca di atmosfer sangat besar.
Monday, 11 July 2022
Rubber is one of Indonesia's largest commodities after palm oil. As much as 85% of its production is carried out by small farmers. As the second largest rubber producer in the world, Indonesia's rubber exports are important for the global market.
Tuesday, 05 July 2022
On July 4, 2022, ICDX invited members and relations and partners who have supported ICDX's journey to celebrate and appreciate all the special achievements that have been achieved.
The USD/MYR pair is an attractive alternative currency option to trade. This is because Malaysia is one of the countries in Southeast Asia with a strong economy due to its abundant natural resources, such as CPO, crude oil, and rubber.
Carbon News & Insights
Tuesday, 14 June 2022
Karbon biru adalah istilah untuk karbon yang ditangkap oleh ekosistem laut dan pesisir dunia. Anda mungkin pernah mendengar bahwa aktivitas manusia mengeluarkan karbondioksida, yang mengandung karbon atmosfer.
USD/RUB is an alternative currency option that can be traded, this is because Russia is one of the market leaders for the European Union and several other countries in various commodity sectors such as oil, natural gas, precious metals to plantation commodities such as wheat. Russia is also the third largest producer in the world, after the US and Saudi Arabia for crude oil.
World gold prices are denominated or valued in USD, so gold transactions that occur in an international context are carried out in USD. With this high usage, coupled with the demand for gold from countries outside the United States, the value of the USD will be quite crucial in influencing the price of gold.
Digital gold allows investors to buy their gold online and does not depend on direct physical transactions, making it easier, safer and more practical. Physical gold, which is represented by digital gold, is stored in a vault that is insured by the seller on behalf of the customer. This is what helps investors overcome problems in conventional gold transactions.
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