Weekly Report
The crude palm oil (CPO) contract closed last week with a weekly appreciation of 2.28% to the level of Rp 14,145,- per kg. The sentiment around the CPO market, which tends to be responded negatively by the market, has in fact provided its own positive catalyst for prices. The political turmoil from the main producing country Malaysia, as well as the chaos related to COVID that hit the two main CPO producing countries, namely Indonesia and Malaysia, are the headlines that need to be underlined.
Friday, 16 July 2021
Kenaikan harga daging sudah menjadi hal yang lumrah menjelang hari-hari besar, seperti Lebaran, tahun baru, dan lain-lain. Menu-menu seperti rendang, opor daging, semur daging, BBQ, dan shabu-shabu selalu identik dengan perayaan-perayaan tersebut.
Friday, 16 July 2021
Kompetisi akan keamanan cadangan energi dan diversifikasi pasokan energi telah menempatkan gas alam ke dalam agenda geopolitik, terutama antara AS dan China sebagai dua negara dengan perekonomian terbesar dan penghasil emisi terbesar.
Friday, 09 July 2021
“Essential oils quickly becoming nature’s liquid gold for Australian farmers” – the headline of an article of the Australian Broadcasting Service.[1] Ninety per cent of these oils are exported, mostly for use in the food, personal care, health and beauty industries. Global demand is booming.
Tuesday, 06 July 2021
Dalam dunia trading forex terdapat faktor utama yang perlu dipahami dan mungkin tidak ditemukan pada instrumen investasi lain yaitu leverage. Leverage adalah perbandingan margin trader dengan besaran dana pinjaman dari broker untuk meningkatkan return. Artinya, trader bisa menggunakan margin yang lebih kecil dari nominal kontrak forex yang ditransaksikannya. Konsep ini serupa dengan sebuah perusahaan yang mempunyai leverage besar, di mana perusahaan tersebut memiliki jumlah utang yang banyak daripada ekuitasnya.
Tuesday, 06 July 2021
NFT digadang menjadi alternatif bagi para musisi untuk memperoleh keuntungan maksimal dari karya-karya musik mereka. Terlebih di masa serba digital, kebutuhan akan proteksi terhadap karya-karya seni digital menjadi semakin krusial. Blockchain, melalui NFT, diharapkan dapat menjadi jawabannya.
Weekly Report
Tuesday, 06 July 2021
Entering July, the price of tin was observed to still move positively above $30,000 per tonne. Quoting transaction prices on ICDX, the average tin price during June was $33.825 per tonne, with the lowest price reaching $33,600 per tonne and the highest price reaching $34,050 per tonne. The re-emergence of new cases of the Covid-19 triggered by the Delta variant has the potential to threaten the demand side and disrupt the production, especially due to restrictions on activities at mining sites and tin smelters.
How can one make best use of the merits of algorithmic trading and how should one limit its risks? A balanced approach will requires an industry-wide understanding of the issues faced by market players and policy makers, and a judicious use of regulations and compliance by the exchange and its regulator.
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