Weekly Report
Wednesday, 29 May 2024
The price of crude oil contracts traded on ICDX closed lower by 1.8% to below $78 per barrel. The main sentiment influencing oil price movements this week is still focused on US interest rate policy, the OPEC+ meeting in June, and geopolitical developments in the Middle East, especially the Gaza conflict.
Weekly Report
CPOTR price movements increased within a week to IDR 11.265/Kg due to the market following the strengthening of soybean oil prices. When the price of soybean oil becomes more expensive, CPO becomes more attractive. Because these two commodities are indeed substitutes for each other.
Secara definisi nisbah mengacu pada rasio bagi hasil atau proporsi yang disepakati dalam transaksi keuangan syariah termasuk distribusi keuntunugan dan kerugian di antara pihak yang terlibat berdasarkan persentase tertentu. Sedangkan Riba, mengacu pada bunga bank atau tambahan yang dinilai tidak adil dan dilarang dalam Islam.
Weekly Report
Gold prices strengthened to $2,363 per Troy Ounce compared to the previous week due to the impact of rising expectations of interest rate cuts and rising geopolitical tensions.
Tuesday, 14 May 2024
Meningkatnya permintaan terhadap produk sawit ini membuat potensi keuntungan yang dapat diraih dengan menyediakan Crude Palm Oil (CPO), hal ini berimbas pada banyaknya lahan sawit yang dibuka oleh berbagai pihak.
Tuesday, 14 May 2024
Sebagai negara penghasil minyak kelapa sawit atau Crude Palm Oil (CPO) terbesar di dunia, Indonesia memegang peranan yang sangat penting dalam global supply chain industry yang memanfaatkan minyak kelapa sawit sebagai bahan baku.
Dewan Pengawas Syariah (DPS) adalah organisasi independen di Indonesia yang mengawasi operasi lembaga keuangan yang menawarkan produk dan layanan yang sesuai dengan Syariah. Tanggung jawab utamanya adalah untuk memastikan bahwa lembaga tersebut mengikuti prinsip hukum Syariah, yang meliputi menghindari maisir (judi), gharar (ketidakpastian), dan riba (bunga).
Weekly Report
Tin's performance declined by 5%, triggered by the low release of China's Manufacturing Index figures as the main global tin consumer country. China's official Manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) fell in April, to 50.4, versus an expansion of 50.8 in March. The market forecast is 50.3 in the reported month. The index continues to stay above the 50 mark, which separates expansion and contraction. NBS Non-Manufacturing PMI fell to 51.2 in April versus 52.2 forecast and 53.0 figure in March. But on the upbeat data front, China's Caixin Manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) rose to 51.4 in April, compared with an expansion of 51.1 seen in March. The figure beat market estimates of 51.0 in the reported month. China's economic conditions greatly influence fluctuations in world tin prices, so that the worsening of China's economic conditions also weighs on tin's performance
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