Friday, 30 July 2021
When you simulate price risk management using a simple decision-making model, it has a negligible impact on the average price that a producer receives over a couple of years, or that an end user would pay on average during a multi-year period.
Wednesday, 28 July 2021
Most commodity futures markets exhibit what can be described as a whiplash effect. At times, the price for a nearby futures contract is lower than that of further-away months, at other times, the nearby contracts trade at higher prices than the further-away months, and in yet other instances, the forward price curve has the shape of a lopsided smile.
From their inception, commodity futures markets have been accused of being gambling dens.
Successful investors in commodity markets are more often wrong than right. Read that again! Yes, you read it well.
Friday, 23 July 2021
Corn has become a part of our lifestyle. Watching a movie is incomplete without popcorn. Healthy breakfast? Cornflakes are the main choice of cereal. Family gathering in Puncak is best accompanied by warm roasted corn. Afternoon tea, delicious while snacking. Crispy Corn Fritters? That's enough, don't think about it anymore.
As Indonesia's staple food, price fluctuations will usually be an indicator for the community about the economic situation and national agricultural performance. For example, when the price of rice rises along with the long dry season (which destroys the farmers' rice)
Friday, 16 July 2021
Kenaikan harga daging sudah menjadi hal yang lumrah menjelang hari-hari besar, seperti Lebaran, tahun baru, dan lain-lain. Menu-menu seperti rendang, opor daging, semur daging, BBQ, dan shabu-shabu selalu identik dengan perayaan-perayaan tersebut.
Friday, 16 July 2021
Kompetisi akan keamanan cadangan energi dan diversifikasi pasokan energi telah menempatkan gas alam ke dalam agenda geopolitik, terutama antara AS dan China sebagai dua negara dengan perekonomian terbesar dan penghasil emisi terbesar.
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