Our Market
Indonesian Carbon Market
Indonesia Climate Exchange (ICX)

Indonesia Climate Exchange (ICX) is the nation’s engine to support the commitment to reach carbon neutrality and to restore the earth one trade at a time. ICX is a decarbonization effort of ICDX Group and partner in sync with independent risk/rating, verification, MRV and depository companies to facilitate the trade of climate market-based instruments with integrated trade mechanism that implements modern architecture technology. 

Our Purpose


To help the world achieve carbon neutrality and to restore the earth one trade at a time.


  • Provide a state-of-the-art regulated market infrastructure required to initiate climate market deepening.
  • Enable high visibility and market access to high quality sustainable projects verified by modern technology.
  • Expand public awareness and participation in climate change mitigation and how individuals could take part in being an agent of change.
Our Role
Best Price
The auction system on the ICX platform will offer the best price to sellers and buyers. We provide two types of auctions, namely dutch auction and minimum bid auction.
ICX will provide detailed information on the projects listed on the platform, making it easier for buyers to make decisions.
ICX will regulate and provide systems and facilities for clearing and guaranteeing each trade.
Direct Market & Transparent
Trading carbon through ICX provides access to meet buyers and sellers directly without the presence of a third party. Buyers and sellers can also observe prices and volumes in real time.
How Accelerate Indonesia’s Decarbonization Agenda?

Indonesia is an emerging economy that needs to balance economic development priorities and climate change mitigation, which requires the support of multiple layer of stakeholders. ICX aims to enable access to all stakeholders and provide them different ways to decarbonize. 

  • We provide high visibility and to high quality sustainable project and trusted market access to stakeholders.
  • We provide a wide-range type of climate market-based instrument to enable democratization of decarbonization.
ICDX : Organizing Carbon Markets in Indonesia

ICDX Group will participate in realizing a carbon trading market that complies with the regulations and standards specified. With the readiness of the ecosystem and infrastructure owned by ICDX as a Commodity Exchange, ICDX Group will enhance the Indonesian carbon market and maximize its potential on an international scale. The government can take advantage of this and move to the implementation of the auction of carbon allowances as well as mandatory markets and voluntary markets very quickly.


Everyone is responsible.

ICDX Group strives to advocate climate action. We invite everyone to pledge their commitment to becoming carbon neutral. Just as everyone knows, it's a marathon, not a sprint. Your first step to being part of the collective effort in achieving carbon neutrality is to be more conscious in determining and using objects that produce carbon footprints on a daily and business scale.

Climate Discussions

Watch ICDX' latest discussions on carbon emissions with government officials, researchers, private sectors, and other related institutions.

News & Insights

More opportunities arise as our knowledge broadens. In this section, we invite you to take a closer look at the variety of topics related to our environment; from the basic understanding of carbon emission, tax, institutional roles, renewable energy, to the overall mechanism of carbon trading.

Wednesday, 18 August 2021
Pada pertengahan tahun 2021, Cina telah menjalankan perdagangan emisi karbon perdananya secara nasional. Tepat pada 16 Juli 2021, bursa lokal di Cina melakukan perdagangan dengan volume karbon sebanyak 4.1 juta ton CO2 (karbon dioksida) atau setara dengan 210 juta yuan (32 juta dollar AS).
Tuesday, 17 August 2021
Karbon merupakan unsur kimia yang mempunyai simbol C dan nomor atom 6 pada tabel periodik. Unsur ini termasuk dalam golongan non-logam dan memiliki valensi 4, yang berarti ada 4 elektron yang membentuk ikatan kovalen.
Tuesday, 17 August 2021
Sebelum masuk membahas lebih dalam, perlu diluruskan terlebih dahulu bahwa karbon yang dimaksud disini bukanlah karbon yang dihasilkan dari arang yang biasa dijadikan sebagai bahan bakar, akan tetapi karbon dari gas polusi yang dapat menyebabkan pemanasan global dan perubahan iklim. Keadaan dunia saat ini cukup mengerikan dengan cuaca ekstrem dan bencana alam sudah menjadi hal yang umum akibat pemanasan global. Sesungguhnya, hal ini merupakan dampak dari kegiatan manusia dan kita harus bertanggung jawab, salah satunya dengan mengambil tindakan atas pelepasan gas rumah kaca (GRK) ke atmosfer.
Indonesia Commodity & Derivatives Exchange (ICDX) berencana melaunching perdagangan komoditas kredit karbon pada 2021. Potensi ekonomi dari perdagangan karbon di Indonesia diperkirakan mencapai lebih dari Rp 4.000 Triliun.
Upaya pengurangan emisi karbon tidak lagi berdasarkan prinsip filantropis untuk mengatasi perubahan iklim, tetapi juga dapat dilakukan sejalan dengan prinsip bisnis. Jika selama ini perusahaan-perusahaan penghasil emisi merasa terbebani dalam investasi untuk lingkungan, kini perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut dapat memperoleh imbalan atas investasi mereka tersebut lewat perdagangan kredit karbon.
Downloadable Materials

Download our materials to gain more insights on carbon emissions and carbon trading!

Summary Report
More About Carbon Emission

Getting To Know Carbon Emissions

Carbon is one of the elements that has been known to exist since ancient times, and can be said to be the basic element of all life on earth. In fact, 20% of the human body is made up of carbon, in the form of compounds, such as hydrogen and oxygen....

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Midpoint Place, 22nd Floor, K.H. Fachrudin Street No. 26, Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat
+62 21 3002 7788